Allrecipes Acquires Food Wishes, a Reader's Digest Association (RDA) company has acquired Food Wishes, a food channel on YouTube created by Chef John Mitzewich. The acquisition adds...
Global Companies Mentioned 10+ Million Times Online
Companies in theĀ FortuneĀ Global 100 were mentioned a total of 10,400,132 times online during a month-long period. The majority of these mentions happened on Twitter,...
YouTube Signs Licensing Agreement With Paramount
YouTube has signed a new licensing agreement with Paramount Pictures which will bring nearly 500 new movie titles to YouTube and Google Play over...
Google Launches YouTube For Schools
Google has developed YouTube for Schools, a network setting that school administrators can turn on to grant access only to the educational content from...
Google Buys RightsFlow For YouTube
Google has acquired RightsFlow, a New York-based company that helps songwriters, recording artists, record labels, distributors and online music services manage music rights.
By combining...