


Tech Giants Deny NSA Tapping For Prism

As news of the National Security Agency's (NSA) spying program Prism started doing the rounds, companies named in the media reports have denied involvement. What...

NSA May Be Tapping Into User Data Directly From Tech Giants

The National Security Agency (NSA) has direct access to user data from Google, Facebook, and Apple among others, according to a report in the...

Facebook Opening NY Office Designed By Frank Gehry

Facebook will be moving to a new office that will be designed by the architect Frank Gehry in New York. The new office is...

Twitter Launches Vine Mobile App For Android

Twitter has launched Vine for Android, its mobile app that lets users capture and share short looping videos. The Twitter Vine for Android app includes...

Microsoft Poll Finds Lack Of Mobile Manners Annoy Both Sexes

A Microsoft Safer Online Facebook poll revealed that many smartphone users don't mind their mobile manners — but men and women both find people...