


Cisco, HPE, Microsoft, SAP, SUSE, CA Technologies sign open source licensing initiative

CA Technologies, Cisco, HPE, Microsoft, SAP, and SUSE – have committed to extending additional rights to work in open source license noncompliance - Red Hat announced in a statement.

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and Trump: What you need to know — CNET

Consultants working for Donald Trump's presidential campaign exploited the personal Facebook data of millions, Ian Sherr of CNET writes. Here is the link:

Worldwide server market revenue surges, finds IDC

According to the IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, vendor revenue in the worldwide server market increased 26.4% year over year to $20.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2017 (4Q17).

Facebook will use postcards to fight foreign meddling In U.S. politics — Fortune

A Facebook executive says the social network will begin using paper postcards to try and stop foreign meddlers, writes David Z. Morris of Fortune. Here is the link:

Facebook knows how to track you using the dust on your camera lens — Gizmodo

In 2014, Facebook filed a patent application for a technique that employs smartphone data to figure out if two people might know each other. Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu of Gizmodo write about some of the things Facebook knows, and deduces, about us. Here is the link -