


Leonardo DiCaprio Is The Newest VC Boy

The Titanic heart throb is not just playing a venture capitalist on the New York City offices of mobli; he is an investor in...

Facebook Launches Messenger For Blackberry

Facebook Messenger will now be available for Blackberry, following a update from Facebook. The app is now available for BlackBerry in addition to iPhone...

Blackberry BBX And The Tale Of Few Phones

By Sudarshana Banerjee Research In Motion (RIM) unveiled the BlackBerry BBX, its next generation mobile platform at the company’s BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011 event. The BBX...

RIM Unveils BlackBerry Tag ‘Tap To Share’

Research In Motion (RIM) Co-CEO Jim Balsillie unveiled a new way for BlackBerry smartphone users to connect with one another and share multimedia content...