

Artificial Intelligence

World’s largest AI startup readies $2 billion fundraising — Bloomberg

SenseTime Group, the world’s most valuable artificial-intelligence startup, is beginning preparations for a new financing round, writes Crystal Tse, Lulu Yilun Chen, and Vinicy Chan. Here...

DARPA seeks to develop schema-based AI capability

DARPA says it is seeking to develop schema-based AI capabilities, to enhance reasoning about complex world events and generate actionable insights. 

Google boasts 1 billion Assistant devices—10x Amazon Alexa’s install base — Ars Technica

The power of Android gives Google 10x more assistant devices than Amazon, writes Ron Amadeo. Here is the link:

IBM’s Project Debater AI helps humans process complex arguments — VB

IBM is launching a new tool named Project Debater, that will let decision makers talk through complex decisions with an AI, writes Mo Marshall. Here...

Censoring China’s internet, for stability and profit — The New York Times

Thousands of low-wage workers in “censorship factories” trawl the online world for forbidden content, writes Li Yuan. Here is the link: