


New IPads Are Here Again

Apple has unveiled its latest iPad as promised. Is it a mini-pad? Does it cost less than $399? No, and kinda sorta not really;...

Chunli Fu Wins $10,000 From Apple For Download

The Apple app store's 25 billionth app, Where's My Water, a game from from Disney, was downloaded by Chunli Fu of Qingdao, China.  Mr. Fu...

Apple App Store Crosses 25 Billion Downloads

Apple’s App Store has reached 25 billion downloads, since its launch in 2008. How many is 25 billion? Quite a few. For example, the...

514,000 U.S. Jobs Created And Supported By Apple

Apple says it has created or supported more than 500,000 jobs for U.S. workers, citing a study by the Analysis Group. The study found...

Just 7% Of IT Pros Plan Increased Use Of RIM

Just 7% of IT pros plan increased use of RIM products in the future, says  InformationWeek Reports. A poll of over 530 business technology professionals...