Nokia Lumia Outshipping IPhone: Strategy Analytics
According to research from Strategy Analytics, the Nokia Lumia smartphone has outshipped Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Android family phones in the first three quarters...
New IPad Arrives In China
Apple's third iteration of the iPads, the 'new iPad' arrived in China on Friday, July 20.
An advanced online reservation system ensured that there where...
Nexus 7 Costs $152 To Make, Says IHS ISuppli
The entry-level 8 GB version of Google’s new Nexus 7 media tablet carries a bill of materials (BOM) of $151.75, according to preliminary findings from the IHS iSuppli Teardown...
Worldwide PC Shipment Growth Was Flat In Second Quarter
Worldwide PC shipments totaled 87.5 million units in the second quarter of 2012, a decline of 0.1 percent from the second quarter of 2011,...
Mobile Payments Have More Than Doubled In Popularity
IDC has announced the results of the eighth annual Consumer Payments Survey, focused on the usage of emerging payment technologies. According to findings in...