Huawei is just the latest in a long line of setbacks for Google’s Android — VB
The U.S. government’s intention was to strike a blow at “foreign adversaries,” not to hit Google’s Android revenue; but the move could (and probably...
Google boasts 1 billion Assistant devices—10x Amazon Alexa’s install base — Ars Technica
The power of Android gives Google 10x more assistant devices than Amazon, writes Ron Amadeo.
Here is the link:
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance cars to embed Android, based on new partnership with Google
The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance and Google have inked a technology partnership to embed the Android operating system in vehicles sold by the automotive alliance, starting from 2021.
IDC: Smartphone shipments forecast to return to growth
While the worldwide smartphone market is expected to decline again in 2018, IDC says it believes the market will experience low single-digit growth from 2019 through the end of its forecast in 2022.
Google could owe Oracle $8.8 billion in Android fight — Bloomberg Technology
Google could owe Oracle billions of dollars for using Oracle-owned Java programming code in its Android operating system, writes Susan Decker of Bloomberg Technology. Here is the link: