

Funny Or Die Launches Free Weather App

Funny or Die weather

The comedy site started by actor Will Ferrell, Funny Or Die, has launched a free iOS weather app – Funny Or Die Weather. Powered by Weather Underground, the Funny Or Die Weather app provides detailed weather forecasts with funny commentary, jokes, and animations. Users can also share jokes and weather with friends via text, email, or social media.

Dick Glover (CEO, Funny Or Die): Funny Or Die cofounders Will Ferrell and Adam McKay are meteorologists first and businessmen second. As California residents, they know all too well the unpredictability of mother nature — when you can swing wildly from a 78° degree sunny day to a 77° or 81° without reason it can be unsettling.

The Funny Or Die Weather app is the first in a series of apps the company says it plans to release in 2015.

[Image courtesy: Funny or Die]

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