Facebook is updating the News Feed ranking algorithm, in a bid to ensure that users do not miss updates they would consider important.
Every time someone visits News Feed there are on average 1,500 potential stories from friends, people they follow and Pages for them to see; Facebook is trying to select the best 300 of them.
What is changing? Organic stories that people did not scroll down far enough to see, can now reappear near the top of News Feed if the stories are still getting lots of likes and comments.
Facebook says its research suggests that this update does a better job of showing people the stories they want to see, even if they missed them the first time.
For Page owners, this means their most popular organic Page posts have a higher chance of being shown to more people, even if they’re more than a few hours old. This change also impacts how paid content appears in News Feeds; advertisers, take note.
[Image courtesy: Facebook]